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Bestyrelsen er repræsenteret i Fagligt Forum


Bestyrelsen er repræsenteret i EFTRE (The European Forum for Teachers of Religious Education). EFTREs overordnede mål er beskrevet således:

The aim is to

* contribute to the international cooperation of teachers of Religious Education in the theretical and practical aspects of their work;

* Develop links between teachers of Religious Education in member countries;

* strengthen and promote the position of Religious Education in schools in the member countries and in Europe in general and

* lobby organisations and strukturs at the nationak and European level to improve the provition and quality of Religious Educaiton across its member countries and across Europe.

Du kan læse mere om EFTRE på:


Kommende kurser

Tilmeldingsfrist til generalforsamlingskurset er 1/8


Nyt fra bladet


Deadline for Religion nr 2 2024 er 1/8




På denne side kan du online melde dig ind i Religionslærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF - og det er ligeledes hér du kan melde dig ud